The Place of the Security Sector in the Banditry Wars

The security sector has been the most affected by the banditry wars in Kenya. This is because of the high level of violence that has been directed at them whenever attacks are launched.

In this article we will discuss how they have responded to this violence and what their role should be in restoring peace and stability to Kenya. The Kenyan police force, army and other security agencies have borne a huge brunt of attacks from armed bandits who are terrorizing Kenyans on a daily basis. These attacks have left many casualties among civilians as well as members of the security forces.

The government has stepped up measures to deal with bandits by deploying the army to help flush out these bandits as well as bring normalcy to these areas.


For there to be peace and sanity in the northern region of Kenya, the government needs to involve the communities living in the region to ensure that illegal guns are first and foremost surrendered, the communities should commit to live peaceably with each other and there needs to be development initiative projects from the government to empower individuals in these areas so that they can earn genuinely from there efforts.

In addition, disarming these communities may leave them vulnerable from attacks from foreign bandits. Therefore the government needs to set up multiple military bases in areas neighbouring these communities to ensure foreign incursions are dealt with while the local police ensures there is security in these areas. This will in effect help the other private security companies to thrive in these areas.

Without this the operation may prove futile just like previous campaigns before this.


The security sector has been the most affected by the banditry wars in Kenya. This is because of the high level of violence that has been directed at them whenever attacks are launched.

In this article we will discuss how they have responded to this violence and what their role should be in restoring peace and stability to Kenya. The Kenyan police force, army and other security agencies have borne a huge brunt of attacks from armed bandits who are terrorizing Kenyans on a daily basis. These attacks have left many casualties among civilians as well as members of the security forces.

The government has stepped up measures to deal with bandits by deploying the army to help flush out these bandits as well as bring normalcy to these areas.

For there to be peace and sanity in the northern region of Kenya, the government needs to involve the communities living in the region to ensure that illegal guns are first and foremost surrendered, the communities should commit to live peaceably with each other and there needs to be development initiative projects from the government to empower individuals in these areas so that they can earn genuinely from there efforts.

In addition, disarming these communities may leave them vulnerable from attacks from foreign bandits. Therefore the government needs to set up multiple military bases in areas neighbouring these communities to ensure foreign incursions are dealt with while the local police ensures there is security in these areas. This will in effect help the other private security companies to thrive in these areas.

Without this the operation may prove futile just like previous campaigns before this.